
Price list for internet domains registered in

Price list for .bg

domain type: Domain .bg (Bulgaria)

min period1-1
registration price59,99 AUD
prolong price66,99 AUD
transfer price59,99 AUD
grace period price 83,99 AUD
redemption period price 151,99 AUD
data change price66,99 AUD

An organization registered in European Union with a VAT number The first and last name of the owner must be shown on the company's certificate of incorporation

WordPress hosting

Speed and performance: full SSD, http/2, multiple cache methods, free data migration, free SSL certificates

PrestaShop hosting

Security and performance: full separation, anti-exploit technology, full SSD, http/2, free SSL certificates

Domains registration

Several hundred types of domains from all around the world can be registered at Our prices are affordable for everyone.